HeShouWu Strawberry Beetroot Cardamon Latte - Root + Bones

HeShouWu Strawberry Beetroot Cardamon Latte

This is a delicious drink that supports the body’s detoxification process and is a wonderful anti inflammatory blood builder.

Both HeShouWu and beets are full of antioxidants, phytonutrients and minerals, especially iron, the building block for blood. Inflammation is at the root of most disease and is a contributor to chronic conditions. Beet and HeShouWu (which is also a root!) reduce oxidative stress and inflammation. The addition of Strawberries boosts the vitamin C levels of this drink and gives it a lovely flavor boost!

Ingredients: (enough for 2)

1 1/2 cups coconut milk

1/3 cup water

1 1/2 tsp @mountainroseherbs beetroot powder

1 tsp @rootandbones HeShouWu

5 strawberries

2 tsp honey

1/4 tsp cardamom


Warm up milk and water on stove. Add liquid and all other ingredients to a high speed blender until smooth and frothy. .

Can also be made cold/iced, just blend all ingredients and pour over ice.